Nigerian-made products are amazing and at one point or the other, I believe we all have used and are using these products. Whether agricultural, textile or even technological products, we all must agree that Nigerian-made products are among the best.

Despite the economic and policy upheavals in the country, Nigerians against all odds are pushing Nigerian-made products into the international markets. Traders from all over the world have grown a keen interest in the country’s raw materials, commodities, solid minerals and of course, our manufactured goods.

While petroleum headlines our major export in the global market, we must not fail to point out that they are other commodities in Nigeria that have caught the attention of traders from Africa and the rest of the world. The products that are termed Nigerian-made are even ignored by Nigerians and companies but are highly patronized by traders from all over the world. Nigerians that have an understanding of the market do these transactions without much noise.

So if you are a trader or an individual that has grown an interest in Nigerian-made products, here are 10 amazing Nigerian-made products you should know.


Cocoa is a Nigerian-made agricultural product

This is arguably Nigeria’s most popular product on the list of Nigerian-made products.  Cocoa a highly sought-after product serves as raw material for a variety of other products. Companies in countries like the Netherlands, China, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Vietnam and Spain have a high interest in Cocoa.

In West Africa, countries like Benin Republic, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Gambia also have a high interest in this product. According to available market statistics on BDSUNDAY, up to 25 to 30 per cent of Nigeria’s total non-oil commodities (including products) leaving the country are cocoa.

The report also shows that cocoa from Nigeria is in high demand in Europe and the United States. The industries in these countries use it to manufacture chocolates, whose market size is $98 billion globally. Pregnant women consume cocoa to help with lactation. Cocoa production is a billion-dollar industry.


Distilled Beverages, Cocoa, Sorghum, Citrus Fruits, Cocoa Butter and Cocoa Solids Chocolate Liquor

Shoes and Leather

Nigerian-made textiles

In Africa, Nigeria is the country with the third highest livestock population. As a Nigerian, I don’t think you would want to doubt this rating. Nigeria has a tangible population of livestock and this merits its place on the list of Nigerian-made products.

Leather and its products are from livestock. As I have stated earlier, Nigeria is blessed with many livestock. While we may not have some of the biggest fashion industries in the world in Nigeria, Nigerian-made shoes rank among the 10 amazing Nigerian-made products you know and possibly have.

While we may consider Nigerian-made leather wears as substandard, the level of patronage in the international markets is growing admirably. There is a shift in footwear production from high-cost industrialized countries to developing countries of which Nigeria is one.

Also, a report in BDSUNDAY shows that Fata Tanning Limited exported only leather worth $37.7 million in 2015, as against export valued at $65.3 million it did in the previous year. In 2015, Italy bought leather from Nigeria, including footwear, worth $188.86 million. It is also cheery news that the Niger Republic bought $2.5 million worth of leather and shoes from Nigeria. Togo paid $7.5 million to have Nigeria’s leather and shoes in 2015.

Leather Products

Nigerian-made leather products
Leather products

Shoemakers in some Nigerian markets have been finding it difficult to get animal skins from the Northern part of Nigeria where it is mostly produced. The traders in the area prefer to do business with European traders, who use it to produce shoes.

The excellent nature of animal skins from Nigeria has also put the product to be in high demand in countries like the Netherlands, Spain, France, Turkey, Germany, and India.

From the above statistics, it is quite clear that Nigerian-made leather wear are doing well locally and even in the international market and you should consider getting one either for yourself or someone you love.


Clothing, Hats, Footwear, Gloves, Wristwatch straps, Handbags and Purses

Oil seeds and Grains

Oil seeds and grains are two agricultural products that we can list among the 10 amazing Nigerian-made products you should know because of their value in the international market. While the two may not readily come to mind when you are considering a list like this, it may shock you to know that these products are well sought after in countries like the Netherlands, USA, China, India, Italy, Germany, Vietnam, Canada, and Spain.

According to a report on BDSUNDAY, the Netherlands, for instance, spent $8.2 million buying these commodities from Nigerian exporters in 2015, but China spent a whopping $29 million buying them the same year. While India spent $4 million on them, Vietnam spent $6.4 million.

Oil seeds are Nigerian-made products
Oil seeds

These countries are high consumers of vegetables, grains and plants. Interestingly, the plants and grains imported from Nigeria are also used in producing drugs. Edible seed oils are mostly from soybeans, sunflowers, rapeseed, cotton and peanuts, and seed oils from flax and castor beans.

Aside from the nutritional and culinary benefits of these seeds, countries like China, India, the US, and Germany have been using these commodities to produce paints, varnishes, printing inks, erasers, coating, and plastics. According to Canadian Dictionary, oilseed meals from soybeans, peanuts, rapeseed and flaxseed are rich in protein and provide nutritionally balanced feeds. Also, they serve as animal feeds.

Within Africa, countries like Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo, and the Benin Republic patronize these products in large quantities.


Livestock feeds, pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and other oleochemical



According to NEPC data, China is a big buyer of aluminium packs and steel products from Nigeria. In 2015 alone, India bought aluminium worth $11 million from Nigeria, according to NEPC data. China paid $1.4 million to have them from Nigeria in 2015. Germany, Vietnam, the Netherlands, and India gave Nigerian importers thousands of dollars to have them. Ghana paid $5.4 million in 2015 to have them; Niger, $2.6 million; and Burkina Faso, $2.6 million Countries like the Netherlands, China, Germany and Spain are in need of lead.


Ships, Cars, Window Frames, Construction, Electronics and Power Lines.


Nigerian-made cosmetics are in high demand

While some may consider Nigerian cosmetics substandard both within and in the international market, we can still rank it among the 10 amazing Nigerian-made products you should know. Available facts do not support the substandard claim as export stats in Nigeria show that soaps, toothpaste, scouring powder and even waxes from Nigeria are highly demanded in Ghana. Ghana spent close to $6 million on Nigerian toothpaste, soaps and pomades in 2015.  Liberia, Benin, Guinea, Mali and Senegal are other West African countries that also patronise Nigerian cosmetics.


Foundation creams, lipsticks, eye makeup, facial cream, skin lotion, skin milk and cleansing cream, hair dye, shampoo and hair treatment


One of the problems Nigerians encounter in doing any business or producing any commodity related to fruits is storage. The unstable nature of the power supply in the country has impacted this considerably. However, fruits rank among the 10 amazing Nigerian-made products you should know. Nations like Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Japan, Turkey, China, India and the Netherlands patronize Nigerian fruits.


Green Apple, Natural Pineapple Flavor, Natural Ginger Flavor, Lemon Juice, Lime Juice  and Apple Juice

Textiles and Garments

Nigerian textile

Nigerian-made textiles are still a force to reckon with globally despite a fall in the textile industry. Inept government policies have seen a downward spiral in the textile and garment industry in Nigeria. While the country relies majorly on imports to meet over 99 per cent of its domestic needs and counterfeiting becoming a major problem in terms of quality, the country’s textile products still rank high.


Clothing, carpets, sheets, towels, upholstery, and textile bags

Ginger, Honey, Garlic and Nuts


The nutritional and medicinal values these products offer qualify them to be on the list of 10 Nigerian-made products we all should know.

Garlic, gingers with honey are obvious choices of natural kitchen ingredients compared to other ingredients because of their high nutritional values.  Aside from the nutritional components of these products, research indicates that garlic ginger and honey are very useful in combating various common illnesses, especially those we suffer from during cold weather.


Ginger helps with digestion, reduces blood clotting, stops diarrhoea, stimulates sexual desires in men and helps relieves motion sickness symptoms. These products are in high demand within and outside of the borders of Nigeria. Ginger is one of the most traded spices in the world and Nigeria happens to be among the largest producers.


Pure honey produced in Nigeria contains enzymes such as sugar, mineral, vitamins and amino acids and is in high demand in other countries. According to market statistics, a kilogram of honey costs above $150 in the international markets.

Cashew nuts can grow in every part of the country as they do well in virtually all weather. Unprocessed nuts are shipped in large quantities to India, Brazil and Vietnam where they are made into kernels and further sold to North America and Europe.

Palm Kernel Oil

Oil palms

Palm Kernel oil is a product of palm fruit. It is the oil that is extracted from the pulp of palm fruit which is different from palm oil. It serves different purposes as it can be used for the production of varying cosmetics, pharmaceutical products and confectioneries. This oil has diverse uses and contains a high and rich composition of minerals rich in protein. If properly harnessed and imported, this has the capacity to bring millions of dollars.


Triglyceride, Stearin and Palm Oil.



According to available market statistics, charcoal in the international market sells for $1000 a ton. It is one of the most popular Nigerian-made commodities in the international market. With the introduction of new technological equipment, the production of charcoal is easier. The market value rate is at a 50% return on investment and has a viable market in countries in Asia, the European Union and the United States of America.

This list is not exhaustive as they are other amazing Nigerian-made products not listed. However, the ones listed are among the top 20 on any list of Nigerian-made products. If you are a Nigerian looking for Nigerian-made goods to patronize or a foreigner looking to do the same thing, I believe this list is a good place to start with. These Nigerian-made products rank among the best and will surely give you the satisfaction you crave. Interestingly, some of these products are available on different e-commerce sites of which is one. You can check Naijapackage for all your Nigerian-made products.

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